Saturday, December 31, 2011

So Long 2011! Hello 2012!

Here we are, another year ending! It has gone by in a blink! I honestly can't remember what I did last new years eve. I am betting we didn't make it until midnight. But there were so many fun days this year!

The Mallard's game with my boys!

Going out with friends for my birthday to the Blackhawk Hotel

These are just a couple of the fun memories! I plan to post more pictures of the fun times I had over this year! Most of you know the biggest event of the year for me was the birth of our second son Liam. Sharing this event with my husband, son, family, and dear friends was amazing! Thank you to everyone who lent their support this year!

My resolution this new year is to be more organized. This includes my home, my work, and our finances. I plan to take all of you on this journey with me.

I do have a challenge for all of you this new year! I challenge you to look around your home, and each day this week find 5 things to donate. Clothes, kitchen items, linens, toys, etc! So 35 things total! There are many people who are in need, and many of us have more then we could ever wish for! So lets state our year with a little less clutter and help someone have a little easier time in the new year!

Be safe, and enjoy one another! Blog at ya again in the new year!

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