Sunday, January 1, 2012

So? Did Ya?

So, did you dig out your five items? I did! It's four pairs of jeans that are either too large or too out of style for me current shape, oh and a pair of stretch pants. No I have no idea where those came from. But since I go back to work on Tuesday and both Joseph and I are off work tomorrow, I am going to gather the rest of my 30 items and get them out the door!

Today was uneventful, I spent it with my boys while Joseph worked. My folks brought us lunch, then we had doctored up frozen pizzas for dinner. So, like I said it was uneventful. But I did want to post a couple more memorable pictures from this year!

The first trip of the year to the zoo, little did we know there was already four of us in this picture!

There was lots of summer fun at the local parks!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

So Long 2011! Hello 2012!

Here we are, another year ending! It has gone by in a blink! I honestly can't remember what I did last new years eve. I am betting we didn't make it until midnight. But there were so many fun days this year!

The Mallard's game with my boys!

Going out with friends for my birthday to the Blackhawk Hotel

These are just a couple of the fun memories! I plan to post more pictures of the fun times I had over this year! Most of you know the biggest event of the year for me was the birth of our second son Liam. Sharing this event with my husband, son, family, and dear friends was amazing! Thank you to everyone who lent their support this year!

My resolution this new year is to be more organized. This includes my home, my work, and our finances. I plan to take all of you on this journey with me.

I do have a challenge for all of you this new year! I challenge you to look around your home, and each day this week find 5 things to donate. Clothes, kitchen items, linens, toys, etc! So 35 things total! There are many people who are in need, and many of us have more then we could ever wish for! So lets state our year with a little less clutter and help someone have a little easier time in the new year!

Be safe, and enjoy one another! Blog at ya again in the new year!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stupid Cold

Ok, I am not a fan of being sick! To be honest who is? But I just don't have time for this. A sick husband, a sick toddler, and by the grace of God a healthy infant leaves, me very little time to recover myself. You know you sound bad when the OB calls to confirm your 6 week appointment and decides to sound far too sick to come into their office!!! I think I am on the second half of this yucky-ness and will be on the mend soon. Which is great since I go back to work on Tuesday.
I am sure I will talk a lot about my feeling about going back to work over the next few days. I would love nothing more then to stay at home with my boys, tend to our home, and make fantastic meals everyday. But the economy being what it is, that just isn't going to happen right now. Although I will say I miss the interaction with adults I am not related to. I guess we will see how long I enjoy that interaction.
Tonight's dinner isn't going to be fancy or creative. But it is Owen's favorite, fish sticks and mac and cheese! I did make a yummy breakfast casserole night before last, so I will share that recipe with you.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees


half a loaf of french bread (torn into bite sized chunks)
half of a pound of sliced mushrooms
1 pound of sausage browned and drained
2 cups of shredded hash browns
2 cups of shredded cheese
10 eggs (beaten with half a cup of milk)

grease a 9x13 pan
put the bread, mushrooms, hash browns, and sausage in the pan, pour the eggs over the top.
Bake for 25 minutes, take out and spread the cheese over the top and return to the oven for 10 more minutes.

This can be put together the night before. That is what my grandma always did. Just be sure to cover it.

In closing I want to just say, that today our families prayers were answered when we found out a family members cancer had not spread, and that after surgery today she is cancer free! Praise God! He does listen and take care of all of his children!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Something New!

So, here we are coming up on a new year. This last year has blown by in a blink. But there are a few things I have learned in the new year, and some of those things I would like to share with you.
As many of you know I cook all of the time! It is one of my passions. Sometimes I make fancy things, but in general I am all about the easy and tastey! I also enjoy crafting when time allows.
Being a wife and the mommy of two boys (2 years and 6 weeks old), plus working full-time, there isn't always a lot of extra time, but I do my best.
Today I think I will share the recipe I used for the cake we took to my husband's mother's House for Christmas.

Pistachio Budnt Cake

3 Cups of Jiffy or Bisquick Baking Mix
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Sugar
4 eggs
1 3 oz box instant pudding mix (any flavor will do, the pistachio was super good)
1/2 Cup of Vegetable Oil

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
mix all ingredients together on med speed for 4 minutes
pour into a greased 12 cup budnt pan
bake for 30-45 minutes (I do about 38)
let cool for 10 - 15 minutes before turning out of pan, glaze if desired!
The cake doesn't look like a whole lot from the outside, but it looks pretty on the inside and it tastes really good!

Hope you all enjoy!